Review: Fire & Ice With Contiki- The Best Way For Young People To Vacation

Fire & Ice with Contiki
By: George Pitiranggon, Director of Marketing & Web Strategies

#NOREGRETS has been Contiki’s main hashtag for the past few years and I recently had the opportunity to learn what they mean. It’s easy to overlook the simple, innocuous call-out while laying in bed browsing the ‘gram and finding pictures of beautiful people in beautiful places. It’s a different meaning entirely when you’re in one of those beautiful places being your beautiful self and put outside your comfort zone. Traveling with #noregrets with Contiki is to realize you can still surprise even yourself, as you discover the larger world around you.

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9 Popular Places You’ve Probably Been Pronouncing Wrong

When experiencing a new part of the world, making an effort to take part in the customs, language and traditions is much appreciated by the locals. Whether you’re discussing world events with a friend or about to embark on an adventure to a new country, it’s always a good idea to make sure you are pronouncing places correctly. This list will take some of the most commonly mispronounced popular places you’ve probably been pronouncing wrong and show you the correct way to say them.

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