Review: Best of Spain With Globus

By: Maya Keith, CTA & Travel Consultant

Bienvenidos a España which translates to Welcome to Spain.

There are things that undeniably define a country and Spain has more than its fair share. Hailing everything from ice-capped mountains, green lands, arid zones, sandy beaches, culture, friendly locals, historical sites, narrow streets, grand display of art and architecture. Plus, not forgetting the country’s great cuisines from the Basque province, Catalonia in the North, Madrid to Andalusia South of Spain that are full of aroma and mouth savoring tastes. The perfect tour that provided me with all the above was The Best of Spain with Globus.

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Review: Fire & Ice With Contiki- The Best Way For Young People To Vacation

Fire & Ice with Contiki
By: George Pitiranggon, Director of Marketing & Web Strategies

#NOREGRETS has been Contiki’s main hashtag for the past few years and I recently had the opportunity to learn what they mean. It’s easy to overlook the simple, innocuous call-out while laying in bed browsing the ‘gram and finding pictures of beautiful people in beautiful places. It’s a different meaning entirely when you’re in one of those beautiful places being your beautiful self and put outside your comfort zone. Traveling with #noregrets with Contiki is to realize you can still surprise even yourself, as you discover the larger world around you.

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8 Ways To Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day In Ireland

Ireland has lots of offer travelers, with its rich history, natural beauty, and delicious brews. It is also full of activity when it comes to St. Patrick’s Day and the place to celebrate. So leave the potato jokes, leprechaun costumes, and pinching of those not wearing green at home in the US and revel like the Irish instead. Here is a handy guide to help you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day like the locals.Continue reading