How Much You Should Tip In 11 Countries Around The World

Here in the US, tipping is not optional in most circumstances, but every country in the world has different guidelines.

Because tipping rules vary by country, region, and place of business, it’s important to research your destination’s customs prior to any trip. And since there are no real ‘rules’, the etiquette of what countries you should tip in can get confusing. We put together a list of 11 top travel destinations and who you should tip and how much.

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Review: Blue Danube Discovery With Avalon Waterways

By: Derek Miller, Travel Consultant

Arriving early in Budapest served me and my cousin well.  We got a chance to see the city before starting our Avalon Waterways river cruise the next day.

Once we began our adventure with Avalon Waterways, we started with a short tour on the Pest side. There are two sides of Budapest. The Buda side and the Pest side. The Buda side with started back in the 1200’s and the Pest side in the 1850’s.  The Buda side is made up of large hillsides and is primarily residential. The Pest side is more commercial and the landscape is flat. Many of the city’s best hotels are on the Pest side.

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