Port of Call Information

Port of Call Information

Port Lockroy, Antarctica

Average Yearly High Temperature in Fahrenheit (&degF)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
35 35 33 28 25 22 22 20 24 28 30 33


In 1944, the British established a base at Port Lockroy, one of the only safe anchorages in all of Antarctica. The station closed in 1962, and was restored in 1996 as a historical treasure, and is staffed in the summer by three rangers. Port Lockroy is a refurbished station on Goudier Island, which is a speck of rock just off the coast of the much larger Wiencke Island. It was originally discovered by a French explorer in 1904, then used by Norwegians for awhile, and then during World War II, the Argentineans came and planted a flag. Lockroy has been restored as a living museum to early Antarctic exploration, and it’s also home to the only working Post Office on the Antarctic Peninsula

Things to Do

You can go see the Adelie penguin was named after the wife of French explorer Dumont d'Urville. There are as many as five million Adelie penguins in Antarctica.
