Review: European Highlights With Trafalgar

By: Jen Smith, Marketing Communications Specialist

European Highlights with Trafalgar was a fast paced, dream vacation. This is the perfect trip for first time Europe travelers, who want to cover a lot of countries and see a little bit of everything, in a short period of time. We got to visit 5 countries, that I’ve never been to, over the course of 9 days. We had tons of included meals, experiences and free time.

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Review: Scenic Scandinavia And Its Fjords With Trafalgar

By: Ana Pitiranggon, Employee Development Team Specialist

Scandinavia has been on my bucket list ever since I became an avid fan of the TV series, “Vikings”. With its breathtaking views in between and beyond the deep of fjords, and seeing such extreme natural beauty and learning about the heritage of the Vikings, this Scenic Scandinavia And Its Fjords with Trafalgar was truly a dream come true; my husband and I were lucky to experience it.

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Review: Canadian Rockies With Trafalgar

Canadian Rockies With Trafalgar

By:  Hue Nguyen, CTA and Senior Travel Consultant

My trip to the Canadian Rockies with Trafalgar started off by arriving in Calgary, Alberta for a one-night stay at Westin Hotel, conveniently located downtown and within walking distance of all the restaurants and tourist attractions. The day was spent exploring and getting a glimpse of Calgary’s beautiful high-rise architectural buildings and public art.Continue reading

Review: Patagonian Grand Adventure With Trafalgar

By: Lucy Fernandez, Vice-President

In my life, I have been privileged to be able to travel to many places wonderful and experience, if only for a few days at a time, a sampling of the different environments and cultures that make our world so fascinating. In November, my sister and I completed the Patagonian Grand Adventure with Trafalgar.  The landscapes in which we traveled on this adventure have now moved a “want to see” destination to the top of a very short list of favorite places I have been fortunate enough to see.  Traveling with my sister, we began our adventure in the starting point for many deep southern adventures: Santiago, Chile.

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