NEW: Trafalgar 2015/16 Autumn, Winter & Spring Vacations

Trafalgar Tours is one of our top partners in guided tours and vacations, a travel company that is well-regarded by and widely popular with our customers for their strong and wide range of guided tours.

Just Released: Worldwide Autumn, Winter, Spring Trips

The Trafalgar Difference

Trafalgar offers a wider range of vacation types and vacation destinations than any other guided tour operator, allowing you to choose exactly the vacation you want.  On a Trafalgar tour, you’ll be treated like a VIP, treated to exclusive access and services and staying at a range of fine, hand-picked hotels, often boutique or local ones.

Many companies claim they have special access and features you can’t find anywhere else; Trafalgar truly lives up to that claim, with a wide network of local connections with people like chefs, farmers, historians, and artisans.  Every one of their tours contains a chance for you to meet these people and have specialized, custom experiences that wouldn’t be possible on your own or with a less well-connected company.

2015/16 Autumn, Winter & Spring Brochure Highlights

Trafalgar has released a new 2015/2016 Autumn, Winter & Spring brochure detailing all of their off-season tours offerings. Book your trip by August 31, 2015 and you’ll save up to  12.5% Savings on these Newly Released Winter Vacations!

Among some of the highlights of Trafalgar’s new brochure:

  • Seasonal-themed tours, such as the “Winter in London” or “Winter in Paris” tours, or “Autumn Colors” in the United States;
  • Outdoor and environmental tours, like the Costa Rica Eco Adventure;
  • Tours rich in history, such as the “Splendors of Japan” tour, which includes a visit to Hiroshima;
  • Tropical vacations such as the “Hawaii Four Island Adventure.”

This is only a small sample of what Trafalgar has to offer-  the new catalog features 52 seasonal vacations, with new destinations including Japan, Vietnam and the USA! Early Payment Discount

Right now, is offering deals on a great number of Trafalgar vacations. Depending on which vacations you book and when, you could save up to 12.5%. This set of deals lasts through August 31, so you have some time, but small tours can fill up fast, so don’t wait too long.

You can learn more about our Trafalgar promotions by visiting our website or calling 1-800-935-2620. Our experienced travel partners are always on hand to guide you through the process of planning your next vacation.

Staff Adventures: Magic & Make Believe With Trafalgar

Magic & Make Believe With Trafalgar
Luis Herrera
Travel Consultant – Cuba Specialist
Toll Free: (800) 935-2620 x 622
Direct:  (281) 269-6622
Fax: (281) 269-2690
Email: [email protected]

My friends and I recently had the opportunity to take part in Trafalgar’s Magic & Make Believe Family Experience this past summer, which is a 9 day program focusing on London and Paris. This tour is ideal for families who want to experience the main sights these two royal cities have to offer with their young ones during a short time frame.

My friends and I were met by a Trafalgar representative at the London Heathrow Airport and transferred to our centrally located hotel, the Thistle Marble Arch. If first impressions mean anything nowadays, I can tell you that this hotel property had all the qualities of a distinguished regal hotel accommodation. Located right off the main shopping strip of Oxford Street, the Thistle Marble Arch Hotel was within a few minutes’ walk to Hyde Park where we visited Speaker’s Corner and the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial fountain. A great benefit of this hotel was its proximity to the Marble Arch tube station which we took to get just about anywhere we wanted to be within London.

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Trafalgar Family Experiences

Many vacation packages and cruises are designed for individuals or couples. One or two adults have a lot more autonomy and freedom as to where to go and what to do on a vacation, not to mention what they’re physically capable of on something like an adventure tour.

Some of us are parents, though, and we have to plan our vacations around our children’s needs. We can’t necessarily leave our children behind when we want to vacation: We may not have anyone who’s able (or willing) to take care of them for that length of time; we may spend too much time worrying about them if they’re not with us; we may want to bring them along and build experiences and memories together.

Trafalgar Tours offers a line of vacations that can meet all our needs.

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How to Visit Europe Affordably

Most people tend to plan their vacations in the summer. It’s pretty common for a good reason: The weather is nice, the kids (if they have any) are out of school, and most work and business schedules are designed to accommodate a summer vacation.

But if you want a different experience on your trip next year, you might consider visiting Europe during another season. Here are some of the benefits of doing so:

  • Cost. Since summer vacations are so popular, and summer is the only time many people can take a vacation, these trips are often expensive.  This is because many travel companies, hotels, and other tourist attractions know this, and they raise their rates accordingly. If they can still keep their bookings full this way, why not? But in the off-seasons, many of these hotels and agencies that are booked solid in the summer will find themselves nearly empty. They’ll be willing to offer great deals to savvy tourists just to keep some steady money coming in for their businesses. If you take a vacation during an uncommon time of the year for vacations, you can really save big.
  • The unique features of each season. I’ll get into more detail in a bit, but I’m sure you can imagine what I’m talking about. Europe has seasons just like the rest of the world. Plants start growing and flowers bloom in the spring. The fall offers cool weather and autumnal festivals, including, of course, Oktoberfest. Winter offers the gorgeous sights of snow-covered mountains, and winter sports such as skiing and ice skating.

Here are a few travel packages from our partners that offer the chance to see the unique features Europe offers in each season of the year, all at an affordable price.Continue reading