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Viking Venus

Expand your horizons on this comfortable, award-winning ship, intimate and thoughtfully created by experienced nautical architects and designers to enrich your interaction with your destination in every way.

    • 48000

    • Tonnage
    • 2021

    • Built Year
    • 465

    • Crew
    • 930

    • Pax Capacity
    • 3

    • Bars
    • 2

    • Pools
    • Norway

    • Registration Country


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32 reviews
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Komodo & The Australian CoastViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandSydneyBenoa16 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Darwin, Australia | Komodo, Indonesia | Lombok, Indonesia | Newcastle, Australia | Sydney, Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$7,699 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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South Pacific SojournViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandSydneyBangkok28 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Darwin, Australia | Jakarta, Indonesia | Komodo, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Lombok, Indonesia | Newcastle, Australia | Semarang, Indonesia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Indonesia | Sydney, Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$14,198 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Bangkok, Bali & BeyondViking VenusAsiaBenoaBangkok12 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Jakarta, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Semarang, Indonesia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Indonesia$6,599
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Southeast AsiaViking VenusAsiaBenoaHong Kong26 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia$17,298
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32 reviews
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Southeast Asia & Hong KongViking VenusAsiaBangkokHong Kong14 NightsBangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Sihanoukville, Cambodia$5,999
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Far Eastern HorizonsViking VenusAsiaHong KongTokyo14 NightsBeppu, Japan | Hiroshima, Japan | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Kagoshima, Japan | Kobe, Japan | Nagasaki, Japan | Shimizu, Japan | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tokyo, Japan$8,899 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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North Pacific CrossingViking VenusAlaskaTokyoVancouver25 NightsDutch Harbor, Alaska | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Juneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Kodiak, Alaska | Sapporo, Japan | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Tokyo, Japan | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$8,399 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$7,599
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsHaines, Alaska | Juneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$7,499 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$6,999 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsHaines, Alaska | Juneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$6,999
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsHaines, Alaska | Juneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$6,999
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsHaines, Alaska | Juneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$6,599
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsHaines, Alaska | Juneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$6,799 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$6,799
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsHaines, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$6,499
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32 reviews
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North Pacific CrossingViking VenusAsiaVancouverTokyo24 NightsDutch Harbor, Alaska | Icy Strait Point, Alaska | Juneau, Alaska | Kodiak, Alaska | Sapporo (otaru), Japan | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Tokyo (yokohama), Japan | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | Wrangell, Alaska$6,999
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32 reviews
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Far Eastern HorizonsViking VenusAsiaTokyoHong Kong15 NightsBeppu, Japan | Hiroshima, Japan | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Kobe, Japan | Nagasaki, Japan | Okinawa (naha), Japan | Shimizu, Japan | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tokyo (yokohama), Japan$9,799
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32 reviews
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Southeast Asia HorizonsViking VenusAsiaTokyoBangkok29 NightsBangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Beppu, Japan | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Hiroshima, Japan | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Kobe, Japan | Nagasaki, Japan | Okinawa (naha), Japan | Shimizu, Japan | Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tokyo (yokohama), Japan$16,498
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Southeast Asia & Hong KongViking VenusAsiaHong KongBangkok14 NightsBangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Sihanoukville, Cambodia$6,499
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32 reviews
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Southeast AsiaViking VenusAsiaHong KongBenoa26 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia$12,698 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Bangkok, Bali & BeyondViking VenusAsiaBangkokBenoa12 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia$6,299 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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South Pacific SojournViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandBangkokSydney28 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Darwin, Australia | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Lombok, Indonesia | Newcastle, Australia | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia | Sydney, Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$13,698
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32 reviews
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Komodo & The Australian CoastViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandBenoaSydney16 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Darwin, Australia | Lombok, Indonesia | Newcastle, Australia | Sydney, Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$6,999
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32 reviews
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Australia, New Zealand & IndonesiaViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandBenoaAuckland30 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Bali (benoa), Indonesia | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Christchurch, New Zealand | Darwin, Australia | Dunedin, New Zealand | Lombok, Indonesia | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Newcastle, Australia | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Wellington, New Zealand | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$15,498 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandAucklandSydney14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$6,699
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32 reviews
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandSydneyAuckland14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$8,499 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandAucklandSydney14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$9,499 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandSydneyAuckland14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$9,499 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandAucklandSydney14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$13,399
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Australia, New Zealand & IndonesiaViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandAucklandBenoa30 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Bali (benoa), Indonesia | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Christchurch, New Zealand | Darwin, Australia | Dunedin, New Zealand | Lombok, Indonesia | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Newcastle, Australia | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Wellington, New Zealand | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$17,698 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Komodo & The Australian CoastViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandSydneyBenoa16 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Darwin, Australia | Lombok, Indonesia | Newcastle, Australia | Sydney, Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$7,999
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South Pacific SojournViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandSydneyBangkok28 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Darwin, Australia | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Lombok, Indonesia | Newcastle, Australia | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia | Sydney, Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$14,698
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Bangkok, Bali & BeyondViking VenusAsiaBenoaBangkok12 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia$5,999 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Southeast Asia & Hong KongViking VenusAsiaBangkokHong Kong14 NightsBangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Sihanoukville, Cambodia$6,999 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Southeast Asia HorizonsViking VenusAsiaBangkokTokyo28 NightsBangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Beppu, Japan | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Hiroshima, Japan | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Kagoshima, Japan | Nagasaki, Japan | Osaka, Japan | Shimizu, Japan | Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tokyo, Japan$16,998
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Far Eastern HorizonsViking VenusAsiaHong KongTokyo14 NightsBeppu, Japan | Hiroshima, Japan | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Kagoshima, Japan | Nagasaki, Japan | Osaka, Japan | Shimizu, Japan | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tokyo, Japan$9,899 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Far East & AlaskaViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageHong KongVancouver36 NightsBeppu, Japan | Dutch Harbor, Alaska | Hiroshima, Japan | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Kagoshima, Japan | Ketchikan, Alaska | Kodiak, Alaska | Nagasaki, Japan | Osaka, Japan | Sapporo, Japan | Seward, Alaska | Shimizu, Japan | Sitka, Alaska | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tokyo, Japan | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$17,998
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32 reviews
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North Pacific PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageTokyoVancouver22 NightsDutch Harbor, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Kodiak, Alaska | Sapporo, Japan | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Tokyo, Japan | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$7,999 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,599
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,399
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,299
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,299 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,299
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,299
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,299
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,299
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,299
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,299
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Far East & AlaskaViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverHong Kong35 NightsBeppu, Japan | Dutch Harbor, Alaska | Hiroshima, Japan | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Kagoshima, Japan | Ketchikan, Alaska | Kodiak, Alaska | Nagasaki, Japan | Osaka, Japan | Sapporo (otaru), Japan | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Shimizu, Japan | Sitka, Alaska | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tokyo, Japan | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$17,798
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North Pacific PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverTokyo22 NightsDutch Harbor, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Kodiak, Alaska | Sapporo (otaru), Japan | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Tokyo, Japan | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$7,999
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Australia, Asia & AlaskaViking VenusWorld CruiseVancouverSydney78 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Beppu, Japan | Cairns, Australia | Darwin, Australia | Dutch Harbor, Alaska | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Hiroshima, Japan | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kagoshima, Japan | Ketchikan, Alaska | Kodiak, Alaska | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Lombok, Indonesia | Mooloolaba, Australia | Nagasaki, Japan | Newcastle, Australia | Osaka, Japan | Sapporo (otaru), Japan | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Seward, Alaska | Shimizu, Japan | Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Singapore, Singapore | Sitka, Alaska | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia | Sydney, Australia | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Thursday Island, Australia | Tokyo, Japan | Townsville, Australia | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$37,995
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Grand Pacific ExplorerViking VenusWorld CruiseVancouverAuckland92 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Bali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Beppu, Japan | Cairns, Australia | Christchurch, New Zealand | Darwin, Australia | Dunedin, New Zealand | Dutch Harbor, Alaska | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Hiroshima, Japan | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kagoshima, Japan | Ketchikan, Alaska | Kodiak, Alaska | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Lombok, Indonesia | Melbourne, Australia | Mooloolaba, Australia | Nagasaki, Japan | Napier, New Zealand | Newcastle, Australia | Osaka, Japan | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sapporo (otaru), Japan | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Seward, Alaska | Shimizu, Japan | Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Singapore, Singapore | Sitka, Alaska | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia | Sydney, Australia | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Thursday Island, Austral$45,394
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Far Eastern HorizonsViking VenusAsiaTokyoHong Kong14 NightsBeppu, Japan | Hiroshima, Japan | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Kagoshima, Japan | Nagasaki, Japan | Osaka, Japan | Shimizu, Japan | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tokyo, Japan$9,799 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
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Southeast Asia HorizonsViking VenusAsiaTokyoBangkok28 NightsBangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Beppu, Japan | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Hiroshima, Japan | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Kagoshima, Japan | Nagasaki, Japan | Osaka, Japan | Shimizu, Japan | Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tokyo, Japan$16,798
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Southeast Asia & Hong KongViking VenusAsiaHong KongBangkok14 NightsBangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Sihanoukville, Cambodia$6,999
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Southeast AsiaViking VenusAsiaHong KongBenoa26 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia$12,998
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Bangkok, Bali & BeyondViking VenusAsiaBangkokBenoa12 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia$5,999
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South Pacific SojournViking VenusAsiaBangkokSydney28 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Cairns, Australia | Darwin, Australia | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Lombok, Indonesia | Mooloolaba, Australia | Newcastle, Australia | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia | Sydney, Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$13,498
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Komodo & The Australian CoastViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandBenoaSydney16 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Cairns, Australia | Darwin, Australia | Lombok, Indonesia | Mooloolaba, Australia | Newcastle, Australia | Sydney, Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$7,499
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Australia, New Zealand & IndonesiaViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandBenoaAuckland30 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Bali (benoa), Indonesia | Cairns, Australia | Christchurch, New Zealand | Darwin, Australia | Dunedin, New Zealand | Lombok, Indonesia | Melbourne, Australia | Mooloolaba, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Newcastle, Australia | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Wellington, New Zealand | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$14,998 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandSydneyAuckland14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$7,499 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandAucklandSydney14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$6,499
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandSydneyAuckland14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$6,999 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandAucklandSydney14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$7,499 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandSydneyAuckland14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$7,499
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandAucklandSydney14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$7,799 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandSydneyAuckland14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$7,999
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Australia & New ZealandViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandAucklandSydney14 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Christchurch, New Zealand | Dunedin, New Zealand | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Wellington, New Zealand$7,999
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Australia, New Zealand & IndonesiaViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandAucklandBenoa30 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Bali (benoa), Indonesia | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Christchurch, New Zealand | Darwin, Australia | Dunedin, New Zealand | Lombok, Indonesia | Melbourne, Australia | Napier, New Zealand | Newcastle, Australia | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sydney, Australia | Tasmania (hobart), Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Wellington, New Zealand | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$15,498 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Grand Pacific ExplorerViking VenusWorld CruiseAucklandVancouver92 NightsAuckland, New Zealand | Bali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Beppu, Japan | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Christchurch, New Zealand | Darwin, Australia | Dunedin, New Zealand | Dutch Harbor, Alaska | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Hiroshima, Japan | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Icy Strait Point, Alaska | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kagoshima, Japan | Ketchikan, Alaska | Kodiak, Alaska | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Lombok, Indonesia | Melbourne, Australia | Nagasaki, Japan | Napier, New Zealand | Newcastle, Australia | Osaka, Japan | Rotorua (tauranga), New Zealand | Sapporo (otaru), Japan | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Seward, Alaska | Shimizu, Japan | Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Singapore, Singapore | Sitka, Alaska | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia | Sydney, Australia | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tasmania (hobar$45,894 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Komodo & The Australian CoastViking VenusAustralia/New ZealandSydneyBenoa16 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Darwin, Australia | Lombok, Indonesia | Newcastle, Australia | Sydney, Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$7,499 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
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South Pacific SojournViking VenusAsiaSydneyBangkok28 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Darwin, Australia | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Lombok, Indonesia | Newcastle, Australia | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia | Sydney, Australia | Thursday Island, Australia | Townsville, Australia | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach), Australia$13,498
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Australia, Asia & AlaskaViking VenusWorld CruiseSydneyVancouver78 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Beppu, Japan | Brisbane, Australia | Cairns, Australia | Darwin, Australia | Dutch Harbor, Alaska | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Hiroshima, Japan | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Icy Strait Point, Alaska | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kagoshima, Japan | Ketchikan, Alaska | Kodiak, Alaska | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Lombok, Indonesia | Nagasaki, Japan | Newcastle, Australia | Osaka, Japan | Sapporo (otaru), Japan | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Seward, Alaska | Shimizu, Japan | Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Singapore, Singapore | Sitka, Alaska | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia | Sydney, Australia | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Thursday Island, Australia | Tokyo, Japan | Townsville, Australia | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | Whitsunday Island (airlie Beach$37,995 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Bangkok, Bali & BeyondViking VenusAsiaBenoaBangkok12 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia$5,999 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Southeast AsiaViking VenusAsiaBenoaHong Kong26 NightsBali (benoa), Indonesia | Bangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Jakarta, Java, Indonesia | Kuala Lumpur (port Klang), Malaysia | Semarang, Java, Indonesia | Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Singapore, Singapore | Surabaya, Java, Indonesia$12,998
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32 reviews
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Southeast Asia & Hong KongViking VenusAsiaBangkokHong Kong14 NightsBangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Sihanoukville, Cambodia$6,999
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Southeast Asia HorizonsViking VenusAsiaBangkokTokyo28 NightsBangkok (laem Chabang), Thailand | Beppu, Japan | Ha Long Bay, Vietnam | Hiroshima, Japan | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Hue (chan May), Vietnam | Kagoshima, Japan | Nagasaki, Japan | Osaka, Japan | Shimizu, Japan | Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tokyo, Japan$16,798
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32 reviews
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Far Eastern HorizonsViking VenusAsiaHong KongTokyo14 NightsBeppu, Japan | Hiroshima, Japan | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Kagoshima, Japan | Nagasaki, Japan | Osaka, Japan | Shimizu, Japan | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tokyo, Japan$9,799
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Far East & AlaskaViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageHong KongVancouver36 NightsBeppu, Japan | Dutch Harbor, Alaska | Hiroshima, Japan | Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Kagoshima, Japan | Ketchikan, Alaska | Kodiak, Alaska | Nagasaki, Japan | Osaka, Japan | Sapporo (otaru), Japan | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Shimizu, Japan | Sitka, Alaska | Taipei (keelung), Taiwan | Tokyo, Japan | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$17,798 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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North Pacific PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageTokyoVancouver22 NightsDutch Harbor, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Kodiak, Alaska | Sapporo (otaru), Japan | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Tokyo, Japan | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$7,999 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,299 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
Itinerary Map/Ship Image
Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,299 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
Itinerary Map/Ship Image
Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,499
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,499 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
Itinerary Map/Ship Image
Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,499
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32 reviews
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Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,499 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
Itinerary Map/Ship Image
Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,499
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32 reviews
Itinerary Map/Ship Image
Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,499 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
Itinerary Map/Ship Image
Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageVancouverSeward10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,299 View ItineraryGet FREE Quote
32 reviews
Itinerary Map/Ship Image
Alaska & The Inside PassageViking VenusAlaska - Inside PassageSewardVancouver10 NightsJuneau, Alaska | Ketchikan, Alaska | Scenic Sailing: Hubbard Glacier | Seward, Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Skagway, Alaska | Valdez, Alaska | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada$5,299
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Ship Information

  • Maiden Voyage: 2021
  • Tonnage: 48,000 tons
  • Length: 745.00 feet
  • Passenger Capacity: 930
  • Normal Crew Size: 465
  • Registration Country: Norway
  • Cabin Features

    • Hairdryer
    • Telephone
    • Television
    • 24-Hour Room Service
  • Special Requests

    • Wheelchair Accessible Cabins
  • Fitness Facilities

    • Fitness Center
    • Jogging
    • 2 Swimming Pools
  • Services

    • 3 Bars
    • Beauty Salon
    • Hottub
    • Internet Access
    • Library
    • Movie Theatre
    • Self Laundry
    • Shops
    • Spa


On Viking Star, the restaurants are the perfect setting for your culinary discoveries, offering you choices from American classics and heart-healthy options to authentic regional delights to deepen your connection to your destinations. And since the ultimate "room" is the great outdoors, Viking Star offers more al fresco dining experiences than any ship at sea. Sample Venetian favorites while you cruise through the Venetian lagoon; delight in a Turkish kebab surrounded by the Bosphorus, or enjoy gravlax as you glide through the breathtaking fjords. Because part of your experience is dining in your destination-even when you’re on board.

Age Restrictions

Due to the nature of the cruise itineraries, Viking Cruises does not maintain facilities or services for children aboard cruise vessels. On all cruises and cruise journeys, minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied and share a cabin with a parent, legal guardian or other responsible adult over the age of 21. Viking reserves the right to limit the number of minors under the age of 18 years on board. The carrier reserves the right not to accept passengers who are in an advanced state of pregnancy either upon commencement of or at any time during the river or ocean cruise.


Our onboard staff is committed to providing you with an exceptional experience, and gratuities are a customary way to recognize their service. The amount you choose to tip is entirely up to you. To simplify this process, a discretionary hotel and dining charge of $17 USD per guest, per day is automatically added to your shipboard account and reflected on your final invoice. This charge is distributed among the onboard staff who contribute to your experience, including waitstaff, stateroom stewards, buffet stewards, galley staff, laundry staff, and others.

Additionally, if you wish to tip your local excursion guides or drivers, we suggest $3 USD (or the equivalent in local currency) per person, per day for guides and $2 USD per person, per day for drivers, given at the end of each tour.

Should you prefer to adjust the gratuity amount or pay in cash, you can visit Guest Services at any time. 

For added convenience, gratuities can also be pre-purchased at our standard recommended rate through My Viking Journey. If your package includes prepaid gratuities, the discretionary $17 USD per guest, per day charge will not appear on your final invoice.



  • Category Code(s): V1,V2
    • Deck 3
    • 270 sq. ft. including veranda
    • 3:00 p.m. stateroom access
    • Shore excursion reservations: 60 days prior
  • Category Code(s): PV1,PV2,PV3
    • Decks 4, 5, and 6
    • 338 sq. ft. including veranda
    • 1:00 p.m. stateroom access
    • 2 guaranteed priority reservations at each specialty restaurant: 70 days prior
    • Priority shore excursion reservations: 77 days prior
    • Priority booking of spa treatments: 70 days prior
    • Mini-bar with alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, water & snacks, replenished once daily
    • Welcome Bottle of Champagne
    • In-suite binoculars, coffee maker & cashmere blanket
    • Complimentary shoe shine & pressing service
    • Purified water refilled daily
  • Category Code(s): DV1,DV2,DV3,DV4,DV5,DV6
    • Decks 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8
    • 270 sq. ft. including veranda
    • 2:00 p.m. stateroom access
    • 1 guaranteed priority reservations at each specialty restaurant: 60 days prior
    • Priority shore excursion reservations: 67 days prior
    • Priority booking of spa treatments: 60 days prior
    • Mini-bar with soft drinks, water & snacks, replenished once daily
    • In-suite binoculars, coffee maker & cashmere blanket
    • Purified water refilled daily


  • Category Code(s): PS1,PS2,PS3
    • Decks 6, 7, and 8
    • 405 sq. ft. including veranda
    • 11:00 a.m. priority stateroom access
    • 3 guaranteed priority reservations at each specialty restaurant: 80 days prior
    • Priority shore excursion reservations: 87 days prior
    • Priority booking of spa treatments: 80 days prior
    • Mini-bar with alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, water & snacks, replenished once daily
    • Welcome Bottle of Champagne
    • Premium in-suite binoculars, coffee maker & cashmere blanket
    • Complimentary laundry, dry cleaning, shoe shine & pressing
    • Purified water refilled daily


  • Category Code(s): OS
    • Deck 7
    • 1448 sq. ft. including veranda
    • 11:00 a.m. priority stateroom access
    • 3 guaranteed priority reservations at each specialty restaurant: 90 days prior
    • Priority shore excursion reservations: 97 days prior
    • Priority booking of spa treatments: 90 days prior
    • Mini-bar with alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, water & snacks, replenished once daily
    • Welcome Bottle of Champagne
    • Premium in-suite binoculars, coffee maker & cashmere blanket
    • Complimentary laundry, dry cleaning, shoe shine & pressing
    • Purified water refilled daily
  • Category Code(s): ES1,ES2,ES3
    • Decks 3, 4, 5, and 6
    • 757+ sq. ft. including veranda
    • 11:00 a.m. priority stateroom access
    • 3 guaranteed priority reservations at each specialty restaurant: 90 days prior
    • Priority shore excursion reservations: 97 days prior
    • Priority booking of spa treatments: 90 days prior
    • Mini-bar with alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, water & snacks, replenished once daily
    • Welcome Bottle of Champagne
    • Premium in-suite binoculars, coffee maker & cashmere blanket
    • Complimentary laundry, dry cleaning, shoe shine & pressing
    • Purified water refilled daily

Life on Board


  • Aquavit Terrace
    Aquavit Terrace

    Providing more al fresco dining experiences than on any ship at sea. Located outside the World Café at the stern of the ship, the inviting terrace is transformed by night into a magical space where your destination is your dining room. By day, it’s a great place to dine and relax in the lounge area around the Infinity Pool.

  • Mamsen's

    Located in the Explorers’ Lounge and named for “Mamsen,” the Hagen family matriarch, this venue offers Norwegian specialties for breakfast, lunch, an afternoon snack or evening treat.

  • Manfredi's Italian Restaurant
    Manfredi's Italian Restaurant

    Manfredi’s offers the best of Italian cuisine, whether the farm-inspired heartiness of Tuscany or the famed flavors from the heart of Rome. Chianti by the carafe, freshly prepared pastas and generous antipasto are accompanied by fresh seafood and a true spirit of abbondanza.

  • The Chef’s Table
    The Chef’s Table

    The sommeliers and culinary masters at The Chef’s Table create the perfect pairing of food and wine. During a multicourse tasting, they pour select vintages and serve thoughtfully prepared dishes made for each other.

  • The Restaurant
    The Restaurant

    The restaurants are the perfect setting for your culinary discoveries, offering you choices from American classics and heart-healthy options to authentic regional delights to deepen your connection to your destinations.

  • World Cafe
    World Cafe

    Featuring American classics, European fare, Chinese cuisine, Japanese sushi and more, savor a range of cuisines from around the world. Relax in a casual atmosphere and enjoy al fresco dining

Spa and Beauty

  • Spa

    Viking also reinvented the spa experience; drawing upon the holistic wellness philosophy of Nordic culture. To stimulate your circulatory system visit the snow grotto where snowflakes gently descend from the ceiling through chilled air, then invigorate yourself in the sauna, following a centuries-old Nordic tradition.

Onboard Activities

  • Explorers' Lounge
    Explorers' Lounge

    Inspired by the trade routes of Vikings, the Explorers’ Lounge is the ideal place for guests to share their discoveries over an aquavit or a craft beer while sampling fine Scandinavian fare. Central to the Explorers’ Lounge is Mamsen’s, a casual gourmet deli inspired by Norwegian cuisine, from smoked salmon to open-faced sandwiches and locally sourced charcuterie and cheeses. The daily “Waffle Hour” provides mouth-watering samples of the beloved treat.

  • The Viking Living Room
    The Viking Living Room

    The ideal setting for relaxation and conversation, The Viking Living Room draws guests together. Spacious seating, melodic piano tunes, live entertainment and planned activities foster rich camaraderie.

  • The Wintergarden
    The Wintergarden

    When you yearn for serenity, there is no better place on ship than a visit to the Wintergarden. This charming, airy space around the main pool is perfect for relaxing in clean, uncluttered Scandinavian-designed environment. Even here, the focus is on enrichment, as this is the place to witness a tea ceremony, or indulge in an afternoon tea service, complete with hand-selected teas, finger sandwiches and pastries. Located on Deck 7.

  • Theater

    The main theater features live performances that bring you closer to the culture of featured destinations. Viking also pulls back the curtains of the destinations with cinema in the two movie theaters, which show first-run films as well as destination-driven classics. The theaters are always buzzing with fresh insights from their enrichment talks featuring the history, art, culture and upcoming ports. To keep you in comfort, Viking has banished uncomfortable theater seating in favor of soft and spacious sofa seating. Located on Deck 2.

Night Life

  • Torshavn

    Torshavn is the ideal cabaret lounge for an after-hours drink with your fellow passengers.

  • Viking Bar
    Viking Bar

    Enjoy a cocktail in the Viking Bar, which is located on the ground floor of the atrium.

Sports and Fitness

  • Fitness Center
    Fitness Center

    The Fitness Center supports your health and wellness with treadmills, elliptical machines, stationary bicycles and more.


  • Infinity Pools
    Infinity Pools

    The Infinity Pool, one of the first of its kind at sea, gives you a sense of swimming in the heart of your destination. Its glass backing is infused with the spirit of exploration.

  • Main Pool
    Main Pool

    The heated Main Pool and hot tub provide a calming oasis. The retractable roof allows for any-time swims and soaks. A haven for relaxation, it’s a fun spot to socialize during a day at sea. It’s been thoughtfully designed for lap swims, leisurely wading or enjoying a drink poolside. By night, it’s a magical setting for star gazing and for viewing Viking's “Movies under the Stars.”

Viking Venus Customer Reviews

Ratings based off 32 reviews about Viking Venus - currently showing 5 reviews with comments only

This was our sixth trip with Viking, and we've never been disappointed. The care and attention that's given to our comfort, safety, and needs is consistently excellent. The itineraries provide a wide range of included and optional excursions off the ship, but also offer a full day on on-board activities should you prefer. On this particular trip, I would highly recommended a pre- or post-extension to Iceland, which was amazing.


Incredible cruise on viking trade routes. Excellent in every way!


Although we have little experience with ocean travels it will be safe to say that Viking would be qualified as a first class ship!!


Great service and an outstanding operation, from start to finish!


Viking ship was beautiful and crew was professional, courteous and made the trip that much more enjoyable!

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